Eyeball jelly Halloween Party

Eyeball jelly Halloween Party


Halloween is coming up! Simple dessert to make your party look different ^ _ ^

ハロウィーンが来ています!シンプルなデザートは、あなたのパーティールック異なるを作るために^ _ ^


Required ingredients

Calpis カルピス 可尔必思 2 cans
A packet of agar powder 寒天粉末のパケット 洋菜粉一小包 10g
sugar 砂糖 砂糖 Right amount
Blue food coloring 青食品着色料 食用色素蓝色 2 drops
Agar powder 寒天粉末 洋菜粉 5g
water 100cc
sugar 砂糖 砂糖 Right amount
Charcoal powder 竹炭粉 竹炭粉 ㄧ teaspoon
Agar powder 寒天粉末 洋菜粉 5g
water 100cc
sugar 砂糖 砂糖 Right amount


Step. 1:

First colored portion of the check:

Water heating (not roll) and agar powder was added with stirring sugar

Let cool gentle temperature can approximate such a small spoon relatively easy to accidentally discharge the solidification heat if a bit thick enough not too thick will then poured into the container

Red eye pupil of the eye are so white cook put me next to the spare white eye with a bottle and 4/3 of Calpis







待凉 大概温温的温度就可以了 这样比较好用小汤匙倒入容器内 有点稠稠的也不太会再倒入时喷出 如果不小心凝固了加热就好

红眼球 瞳孔 白眼球都是这样煮 放旁边备用 白眼球我用了一瓶又4/3的可尔必思

Step. 2:

Do first half of the peripheral portion of the color into the container in a little less and so I do when solidified agar powder ratio is gentle grip heavy and poured into about 10 minutes of time on it solidified

Tell you is that what it is like purple with black pupils fall into is not apparent unless a little pale purple or with less



先做外围有颜色的部分 倒入容器的一半在少一点 等凝固 我做的时候洋菜粉比例抓很重 而且又是温温的时候倒入 大概10分钟就可以凝固了

跟大家说一下紫色跟黑色很像 所以瞳孔倒进去是看不出来的 除非淡一点的紫色 或用少一点

Step. 3:

Hand confirm the top is set and then poured into a small spoon black pupil as coagulase

If you accidentally fall into a round can not be directly coagulase out just fine in the redo



用手确认一下表面凝固 再用小汤匙倒入黑色瞳孔 一样等凝固

如果不小心没有倒成圆形 可以等凝固直接拿出来 在重做就好

Step. 4:

Was added slowly with a spoon if the white portion of the eye too fast down its own color temperature to make the following modification washed away or dissolved slowly poured into it


用汤匙慢慢加入白眼球的部分 如果倒太快 它本身的温度会让下面的颜色溶解掉 或冲到变形 所以要慢慢地倒入

Step. 5:

Cover and allow the liquid to overflow from the intermediate ensure filling. Next to a shop rag to remember carefully because it will overflow hot


盖上盖子 让液体从中间溢出来 确保有倒满。下面要铺个抹布 因为会溢出来 记得小心烫手

Step. 6:

With a heavy object pressing wait half an hour later than two hours to put refrigerated stripping


用重物压着 等半个小时以后 放冷藏两个小时以上就能脱模

Step. 7:

Stripping with a toothpick in the peripheral perimeter like to do takoyaki way you can easily stripping


脱模用牙签在外围绕一圈 像做章鱼烧的方式 就可以轻松脱模

Step. 8:

You can buy different containers made of different sizes of ~


可以买不同的容器 做不同大小的~

Step. 9:

Decorate Pour cranberry juice can also increase the sense of horror in it ~ Oh!


装饰一下 也可以在里面倒入蔓越莓果汁~增加恐怖感哦!

Reproduce: link

Author: iCake
Link: https://icake.life/01/03/2020/Eyeball-jelly-Halloween-Party/
Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless stating additionally.